Freund, John E's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Modern elementary statistics1992
2.Mathematical statistics1980
3.Elementary business statistics : the modern approach1964
4.Statistics : a first course1991
5.Mathematical statistics1992
6.Modern elementary statistics1967
7.Introduction to probability1973
8.Statistics : a first course1981
9.Modern business statistics1958
10.Modern elementary statistics1960
11.Modern business statistics1969
12.Modern business statistics1975
13.Mathematical statistics1971
14.Statistics : a first course1995
15.Elementary business statistics : the modern approach1993
16.College mathematics with business applications1975
17.Modern business statistics1959
18.Modern elementary statistics1973
19.Elementary business statistics : the modern approach1982
20.Statistics : a first course1986
21.A modern introduction to mathematics1956
22.Modern elementary statistics1997
23.Modern business statistics1958
24.Mathematical statistics1987
25.Modern elementary statistics1979
26.College mathematics with business applications1983
27.Modern elementary statistics1952
28.Modern elementary statistics2007